Hurley met his heroine, who took him home and bathed his scaly skin, his teeth were fixed and he began to feel much better. He liked to sniff around the yard and be with the other dogs in this wonderful place, but then one day, he met the couple who would love and care for him the rest of his life. Hurley is once again a very happy boy. He loves to snuggle up in blankets and even covers himself up! https://youtu.be/laM9nFIXJZE

Baby Girl got her chance for a new life when she was loaded in a car for her trip to freedom. Watch her first chance to run and play outside of the kennel she lived in https://youtu.be/qrS-n4GkhAs. Fourteen wonderful people escorted her on a two day trip to NCCR, She has been treated for her heartworm and now spends her days reclining on a couch and loved by her new owners.

Tessa’s story continues as she finds a new role in life, taking new little scared puppy mill dogs under her wing, giving guidance and direction to delinquent or traumatized fur babies that come into her home. Tessa has tough love but also a tender side for those that have been where she was. Tessa now has a permanent spot doing what she does best.

Sid’s life continued to get better each day, he can eat and he feels so good. Sid has found love from the woman with the hands that took him home. There is no more pain or fear and Sid dances with delight.

Samara has taken a long time to begin to realize that not all people are bad, but the fear of hands is still with her. She will readily take treats now but still stays just out of reach. Samara now has a home with other huskies and she is running free; no more puppies and no more torment.

Phoebe’s story is ongoing as she waits for that special person, someone that will enjoy watching her run like a deer and curl up at their feet.

Miley is still waiting for a miracle to take place in her life, maybe a home with one lonely person that is looking for a friend and has few visitors. Or maybe a Rottie rescue for people that know the breed. Miley is one of the tough ones that sits and waits.

Bailey’s life has been enriched with his forever home. He still loves to visit and will still stake claims on new things, people or other dogs, but life is good and Bailey is loved by all who meet him.

Sammi’s lucky day finally came. With eyes filled with fear she is loaded into a car for a place she did not know. This was the day that Gretchen and Walker, who looks just like her, entered her life and she started a new adventure of living in a house. Sammi found it scary at first, so many new things but soon Walker became her friend and she learned from him that couches are comfy, beds are nice to share with a person and squirrels are fun to chase. Her sense of humor continues to be very much a part of her life as she plays hard to get with her new Mom Gretchen. Sammi now realizes that life is good.

Brimstone is now chqdogs’ employee of the year. He has even learned to help with virtual training. This talented boy has even learned to play the xylophone; a few clicks and a few treats and this small town boy has made the big time. He shows us that good things can happen for these rescue mutts from off the street.
We hope that you have enjoyed following the lives of some of the lucky dogs that have walked through the doors of NCCR. Each year we continue to place, abandoned and all too frequently abused, dogs that are looking for a new start. As you can see, they come from a lot of different situations but their stories are all the same, they need a home and they seek love and understanding. Some of them are still a work in progress. Each one of you reading this has made this possible by your continued support, without you, there wouldn’t be us. We take this opportunity to thank you, whether you have adopted, donated items, dropped off cans, sponsored a dog or helped in anyway. This has been a difficult year but our doors are always opened for the next needy canine.
All of us at NCCR wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year!
All of us at NCCR wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.