All the shelter dogs past and present, big and small, young and old would like to thank everyone for their donations over the past year. There will always be dogs and puppies waiting for good homes, and your donations help feed them, keep them warm and pay for all their veterinary bills. If you volunteer they thank you for their walks and playtime, cuddles and pats on the head, kind words and loving touches. If you adopt or tell others to adopt then you’ve helped make a home for a very lucky dog and in turn made a space at the shelter for another dog to get a second chance. We would not be able to do what we do without your help. We all are grateful!
NCCR is located at 7540 N. Gale St. in Westfield and is open Monday-Saturday from 1-3pm (closed Christmas and New Year’s Day) or by appointment by calling (716)326-7297.