Eight year old Molly was left in an apartment when her family moved. Thankfully a concerned neighbor fed her through a window. She came to NCCR quite obese, but is now working on her weight with the help of her new Dad! “Molly’s doing quite well. There have been no problems with eating, sleeping, etc. I’m sure she would get on top of my bed if she could but for now she’s content in sleeping in her own bed next to mine. We have had no “accidents” in the house. We take frequent walks and there is plenty to sniff around here! She has been to my regular vet and her diet is being monitored. She gets along very well with any person she meets. We have not had contact with any other pets but she is very interested in the chipmunks, particularly the ones who live in the stone pile. She generally rests on the couch but she has also been known to take over my chair if I’m not on top of it. Thanks to everyone for helping us get together, and for all of the work you do!“
Molly was adopted in May 2020.