
Frannie is happy her life as a puppy producer is behind her now. She is a red/apricot mini poodle, weighing just 11 pounds. She is six years young, as her life is just beginning.  According to her foster mom, Frannie is as smart as she is cute. She is catching on quickly with house training and basic commands. She is learning to enjoy being held and pet. Frannie doesn’t mind bathing, and likes being brushed.  She takes cues from the resident dogs, and would need another friendly dog in her forever home. Frannie wasn’t a leash walker when she arrived, but she has made a lot of progress! She loves exploring inside the fenced yard. She no longer tolerates being crated. I feel she would do best with someone who is home most of the time. She wants to be near people and other dogs. She has done well meeting new friends, both 2 legged and 4 legged. Frannie is enjoying all of these new experiences and will be a wonderful companion!  Frannie requires a securely fenced yard and at least one other friendly dog in her adoptive home!

If you think you might be interested in adopting, your first step should be to complete an  Adoption Application.  *After you have completed your application, you will get a confirmation that we have received your application. It takes a lot of time to process the applications, so we ask for your patience while we do so. If you see that the dog you were interested in has been adopted it means there were many applications for that dog and we did not get as far as processing your application before a home was found. We welcome you to apply again if you see another dog that interests you.   If you have a question, please email your question to It is much easier and quicker for us to respond by email as we receive many phone calls each day.

We do adopt out of state, however we do not transport or ship dogs. Potential adopter must be able and willing to travel to the Rescue to meet the dog they are interested in.

*PLEASE double check all of the phone numbers that you provide as if they are incorrect, we will be unable to process your application. Please also let your references know that someone from NCCR will be calling them. Most adoption team members call from their personal phone so advise your references that there may be an unknown number or a private number calling them.

Frannie is happy to be sponsored by Susane Berg, Suzanne, Tillie Mae and Mimzie in memory of Bron Bron, Chelsea Barber, Heath Forster, Tina and James McCroskey and Henry Leworthy. Thank you so much!

NYS Registration #RR028