We did keep his name the same. He did seem to know it Well most times. He is eating and sleeping just fine. Most mornings I have to wake him up to go outside. Still working on housebreaking him. He’ll go days without an accident in the house and out of the nowhere I find a mess but he’s almost there. Twice a day I take him for a nice long walk and he loves it. When he sees the leash and harness come out he now knows what that means and gets pretty excited. We see many other dog walkers and and he has always been great with both the people and dogs. One very odd behavior is he is petrified by bicycles. He gets a very panicked look and wants to turn around. He also chews everything even though we have given him appropriate things to chew on but we’ll get through that. He is a challenge at times but we are thoroughly enjoying him. I will try to send pictures. Thank you for our new family member.
Waylon was adopted in June 2023.