
December 2024 update:  Just wanted to share a picture of Beasley (aka Moss). We’ve had him for 1 year and 8 months now. OMG how we love him. He’s such a character. He’s so playful and is best friends with our lemon beagle. They are inseparable. Anyway this is him today, under the blankets, staying warm.

WE LOVE Beasley!!  We had a gotcha party with a ‘pup’ cake and the other dogs wore party hats. We also sang to him as well. I think the pictures of his gotcha day were posted on the rescue website.  He sleeps through the night now for us and has buddied up with Neo our lemon beagle. They are inseparable! He has started to ‘bay’ as beagles do—it’s such a cute puppy bay which then gets Neo to start baying along with our other beagle Radar. Thank goodness we live in the country! He is eating fine and has realized the sound of the fridge and microwave! We send pictures to ‘Grandma’ Laura his foster mom so that way she knows we are loving him like she did.  Potty training started off a bit rough but he’s getting the hang of his new environment and new routine. No accidents in 4 days now. Woot! Woot! Thank you for checking in.  We just love this little guy🐶❤️

Beasley, formerly Moss, was adopted in April 2023.