
May 2023 Gotcha Update:  He’s doing great and is a perfect part of our family. He loves being outdoors and playing it he also loves his lap snuggles too.  Thanks for allowing us to bring him home!

Coach is doing great! We kept his name. He’s settled in and seems comfortable with our family and his new  home. He is eating well and we are working on housebreaking. He really is doing quite well. He has some accidents in the house, but that’s to be expected. We have 2 teenage sons and Coach loves them both and acts the same around them as us. We haven’t introduced Coach to any other animals yet (he has been interested in our chickens, who we’ve kept in their run since getting Coach). He doesn’t seem aggressive towards them, just interested (he doesn’t bark or whine).

We are so happy to have Coach in our family!  He’s filled us with joy for sure. He’s keeping us busy!

Coach was adopted in May 2022.