Her eating has been a struggle but it is getting better. We are being very patient with her and letting her decide when to get close. She has picked our couch as her spot to relax and sleep, she doesn’t seem interested in our bedroom which is killing me because our dogs have always slept with us but I’m hoping with time this will change.
She has been fine with our cat and I think they will eventually be buddies. We have been taking her to obedience training and the trainer is super impressed with her! He does not feel she will have any issues with other dogs once he has her spend more time with his trainer dogs. He said she just needs dog socialization, she’s basically very awkward and rushes another dog so we will be working with him on this. Every person and kid she has met she has been great with. She loves giving kisses and playing but isn’t snuggling yet so we struggled with a selfie 
Gala was adopted in February 2023.