December 2022 update: Hello, it’s been almost a year now since I adopted Hope, now called Sausage. I just want to thank you all for everything you do and send some updated pictures of her. She’s lost a lot of weight and is able to walk and stand better. She also enjoys camping!
Hope is doing great. She’s now being called sausage for the time being. She came to me at about 15 lbs. she’s starting to lose weight. I’ve been trying to keep her active while in the house. To go outside I have her walk down a flight of stairs and we do that several times a day. I’ve kept her food the same. She is very good motivated. She has a her crate as a safe space and has free range of most of the house during the day.
My other dogs like her. She is definitely queen of the castle here. The other dogs know sausage likes her space. She spends her time snuggled up under a dog bed, usually sandwiched between two dog beds. Every night after I get home from work we play toys. She loves the flat crinkly toys, she love the shake them back and forth. Sometimes she flings the toys right over her back because she shakes them so aggressively. She is fitting in great here!
Sausage, formerly Hope, was adopted in January 2022